Mike Toomey Lobbyist News: Governor Perry Calls for Permanent Small Business Tax Exemption
The following is a digest of a press release from Governor Rick Perry’s website. Michael Toomey and the Texas Lobby Group are posting this summary as a public service for citizens of Texas, other interested lobbyists, Texas government officials, and political consultants.
On Thursday September 27th, Governor Rick Perry spoke at Google on “Entrepreneur Day”. At this event he offered his thought that small business should be permanently tax exempt. This is a highlighted feature of a system of recent propositions that Perry has made for the 2013 legislative year. Governor Perry has asked for the Texas Legislation to agree and commit to “The Texas Budget Compact”. Perry has proposed five principles under this compact, hoping to improve upon local business and the Texas economy. He hopes that lawmakers will agree to practice honesty in budgeting, preserve a solid “rainy day” fund, cut unnecessary government programs and expenditures, limit spending, and oppose new taxes or tax increases. These ideas form the backbone of a more fiscally conservative or even moderate mindset. Perry believed that these practices will make Texas even stronger, by making room for business and economic prosperity.
Google was also celebrating its 14th birthday and held the “Entrepreneur Day” event in Austin Texas. Governor Perry spoke for about 20 minutes, saying that although government can get in the way it can also problem solve and “remove hurdles” for citizens and businesses. He expresses his hope that established small businesses will continue to grow and flourish, and that there will be plenty of room and open doors for new businesses as well. Perry also credits Texas’s success in the business and economic world to low taxes and regulations, allowing business to expand and innovate. He also notes that the state legal system has been well cared for, so that business and individuals do not have to be afraid of “over-suing”.
“Entrepreneurs know they can pursue and achieve their dreams in Texas because we’ve created an environment where government stays out of the way, where freedom fuels innovation, and innovation is fueling the next generation of entrepreneur,” Gov. Perry said. “By staying committed to the responsible fiscal policies that have made Texas the best place to live, work, raise a family and start a business, we will continue to be the envy of the nation.”
Read the original article here.