Michael Toomey Texas Lobbyist News Post: Texas Interim Committee Studies Posted.
The following information is public record and can be found at the Texas state government websites. The Texas Lobby Group and Mike Toomey are posting this information as a public service for all Texas Lobbyists, Texas Politicians, Texas Government Consultants, and all other interested parties.
Joint Interim Committee to Study Human Trafficking *
June 26, 2012 – 10:00 AM
8700 Tesoro Drive, Alamo Area Council of Governments Board Room,
San Antonio
The Joint Interim Committee to Study Human Trafficking will hear invited and public testimony on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. in the Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) Board Room. The Committee will: Study the services available for victims of human trafficking provided by federal, state, and local agencies and non-governmental organizations, including the long-range need for safe houses and shelters and the best practices for public/private partnerships providing services to victims. Review procedures and services available for youth that have been identified as sex trafficking victims, including analysis of the appropriate criminal penalties associated with prostitution. Notice of assistance at public meetings Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a language interpreter, are requested to contact the Senate Committee Coordinator at 512/463-0070, 72 hours prior to the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Additional Information Contact: Servando Esparza, 512/463-0126
House Committee on Energy Resources *
June 27, 2012 – 09:00 AM
State Capitol, Room E1.030
The House Committee on Energy Resources will meet in a joint interim hearing with the House Committee on Natural Resources to hear invited testimony on the following interim study topic: Charge #5 – In addition to monitoring the implementation of HB 3328 (82R), continue to study the implications of hydraulic fracturing for the state’s energy needs, environmental policy, economic development, and other related priorities. Examine ways to ensure appropriate state and local regulation of hydraulic fracturing that matches the needs and conditions of Texas. Coordinate with the House Committee on Natural Resources’ charge regarding water quantity and quality issues in oil and gas production, and with other committees, as necessary.
Additional Information Contact: Rep. Jim Keffer, 512/463-0656
House Committee on Natural Resources *
June 27, 2012 – 09:00 AM
State Capitol, Room E1.030
The House Committee on Energy Resources will meet in a joint interim hearing with the House Committee on Natural Resources to hear invited testimony on the following interim study topic: Charge #5 – In addition to monitoring the implementation of HB 3328 (82R), continue to study the implications of hydraulic fracturing for the state’s energy needs, environmental policy, economic development, and other related priorities. Examine ways to ensure appropriate state and local regulation of hydraulic fracturing that matches the needs and conditions of Texas. Coordinate with the House Committee on Natural Resources’ charge regarding water quantity and quality issues in oil and gas production, and with other committees, as necessary.
Additional Information Contact: Rep. Allan Ritter, 512/463-0706