Mike Toomey Lobbyist News
United HealthCare Awarded Big Texas Contract
In February of 2010, one of Mike Toomey’s clients – United HealthCare – received the contract to provide health care administration for Texas state employees. UHC will be providing access to their vast network of health care facilities, doctors, and related health care providers for HealthSelect of Texas.
Blue Cross of Texas had this state contract for over 3 decades. Blue Cross has complained that the loss of their contract was politically based, but a variety of employee oversight groups have gone on record as being satisfied that the decision was made for sound fiscal reasons*. Further, the Dallas Morning News has reported that UHC will save Texans 41 million dollars a year.
Derrick Osobase is legislative and political director for the Texas State Employees Union. The Austin American Statesman quotes him as stating that the Employees Retirement System typically does very good research before making decisions like this.