Michael Toomey and the Texas Lobby Group Lobbyists Once Again Rank High in Texas Power Rankings
Lobbyists from the Texas Lobby Group once again ranked near the top of the annual Capitol Inside Power Rankings for 2011.
-Mike Toomey is the number one hired gun lobbyist
-Lara Laneri Keel is the top female hired gun lobbyist
-Bill Messer is the number four hired gun lobbyist
-Mike Toomey is one of the 25 most powerful Texans as listed by Texas Monthly Magazine.
The Texas Capitol Group – the alliance of which we are a founding member (which includes Ross Communications) is the number one Texas Lobby Team.
From the Texas Power Rankings:
“When the Texas Legislature’s new Republican members arrived in Austin for their first session this month, one of the first things they learned was where tofind Mike Toomey and Lara Keel. As two of the three partners at the city’s most high-powered lobby shop when it comes to Republican ties, Toomey and Keel have taken most if not all of the GOP’s 31 freshmen lawmakers under their wings as informal advisors on the art of passing legislation, protocol and other fundamental elements of the legislative process in Texas.”
“The rankings in 2011 reflect the growing presence and clout that a newer generation of public affairs professionals have now at the Capitol as the proverbial torch is passed to them. Keel is a prime example – having been elevated topartnership status with lobby titans Bill Messer and Toomey in the star-studded group they lead at the same time she’s become the go-to lobbyist for Republican women legislators at the Capitol where there are twice as many of them as there were two years ago. Keel – as a result – has vaulted into the top 20 on the hired gun lobby list after being ranked a rising star lobbyists just four years ago.”
“Bill Messer, Mike Toomey ……had the top tier on the power chart all to themselves since its inception eight years ago.”
“Toomey’s impact in the Republican’s November avalanche with the way he’s been following that up as a priceless information resource who’s given a sense of security to the Republican’s legislative rookies at a time when they have just cause to be incredibly overwhelmed – it should come as no surprise that no one is ratedhigher on Capitol Inside’s Texas Lobby Power Rankings for 2011.”
“The Texas Capitol Group … has members like Joe Garcia with solid ties to Democrats. Toomey is arguably closer to the governor than any of his peers in the lobby. Messer was Republican Tom Craddick’s top confidant during his three terms as House speaker. New Texas Capitol Group member JoshMeeks entered the lobby after his boss Republican Kip Averitt resigned from the state Senate last year.”