Mike Toomey Lobbyist News: Gov. Perry Reappoints Henley to Commission on State Emergency Communications
Rick Perry has appointed Terry Henley again to the Commission on State Emergency Communications for a term expiring September 1, 2019. The State Emergency Commission helps counties and municipalities maintain 9-1-1 communications and poison control centers in Texas.
Terry Henley is retired. He was an applications engineer for General Electric and Gexpro. He was also mayor pro tem for Meadows Place for 26 years.
“He is president of the Meadows Place Economic Development Corporation, a board member and past president of the Texas Municipal League and Texas Association of Regional Councils, and a board member and past chairman of the Houston-Galveston Area Council. He is also a past den leader of the Boys Scouts of America Sam Houston Area Council Meadows Place Pack and past coach of the Meadows Place Little League.”
Read the original news release here.